This form allows configuration and selection of the elements on which the information will be displayed or hidden.


1.Select the element of the window on which you want to apply a filter.

2.In the "Filter models" section, click on the (Insert) icon  or on an empty line to add a new model to the list and enter a meaningful name.

3.Click on the icon.  (Save)

4.In the "Filter's configuration" section, click on the (Insert) icon  to open the window for selecting the available columns. Choose an item from the list.

5.The filter selection window offers the choices that apply to the selected column.

6.Choose the type "Included between" and enter the date parameters to obtain the current week.

7.Click OK and the icon. (Save)

8.Repeat this for each of the columns to include in your model and save when you are finished.





       Apply the current display to this model