Here is a brief description of the icons that you can find in the calendar tab.


The icons described in this page may differ from your display, they are presented for informative purpose.


Candidate availability:




Display candidates who are available to 100%.

Display available candidates whose hours are not compliant to the request.

Display candidates whose availabilities are not defined.

Display candidates who are not available.

Red represents night availability.

Blue represents day availability.

Green represents evening availability.


The darker colors indicate than a specific availability was registered.






Display the candidates whose criteria are consistent with those of the client.

Display the candidates whose criteria are not consistent with those of the client. PRIM allows assignment of this candidate for a replacement, if accepted.






Display favorite candidates of the client.

Display the candidates who have already worked for this client and like to work there.

Display candidates who know this client.

Display candidates who have never worked for this client, but who would like to work there.

Display candidates who have no preferences for this client.

Display candidates who do not want to work for this client.

Display candidates who are not desired by this client.




The communication icon represents the last communication which took place to propose the replacement to the candidate.




An email has been sent.

An SMS has been sent.

The candidate has accepted the replacement.

The candidate refused the replacement.

We left a voicemail message.

Unknown call result.

A call was placed, but the candidate has not been reached.

The candidate will call back in 1 hour.

The candidate will call back in 24 hours.

Too late, the replacement was attributed to another candidate.

We were unable to join the candidate.

The candidate is not available.