Windows - Tasks and events


The "To do tasks" and "Events and tasks management" windows display information on the progress of tasks related to a current event, from creation to archiving. For details on creating an event, see the article Events and tasks management.



Different symbols appear in these windows, they are presented in the following table.





Overdue task

Current task

Task without defined date

Future task

Task completed

Event that contains tasks in the future

Event that contains current tasks

Event that contains overdue tasks

Event that contains tasks without a defined date

Event that contains only completed tasks

Event that does not contain tasks

Archived event

Sorting ascending on dates

Sorting descending on dates

Deploy the elements contained in the events

Decrease the elements contained in events


Archiving icons. The down arrow indicates that the event can be archived, the up arrow indicates that the event could be reactivated.


® Only a user with the status "ADMIN" will be able to reactivate the event.



       Window - Events and tasks management (WKF011)


       Window - To do tasks(WKF004)