The tab "Hours by default" allows you to customize the hours of the work shifts for requests linked to the selected customer in order to speed up data entry when creating requests. This section is normally configured when creating a new client in PRIM, but can be modified at any time.


The shifts added to the requests linked to the chosen client will have the "Start" and "End" fields pre-filled with the hours configured according to the shift chosen (day, evening or night). The purpose of this function is to improve the speed of data entry, but does not prevent the user to change these values ​​in the request if necessary./p>

A more detailed configuration in relation to the department and the type of request is also possible. (see the Exceptions section below)

Use steps

  1. Click on the "Settings" tab.
  2. Select the "Default hours" sub-tab.
  3. Fill in the default quarter values.
  4. When creating a request (either a replacement, a term or a job offer), the deduction value will be entered by default when inserting a schedule entry.
  5. Despite the automatic entry of the "Start" and "End" fields, the user can still modify the values ​​if necessary.

It is possible to configure four types of default hour exceptions.

  • For one department and for one request type
  • For one department and for many request types
  • For all the departments and for un request type
  • For all the departments and for many request types

To add a specific department to exceptions, at least one department must be configured in the "Requests" sub-tab.

Use steps

  1. We previously configured two departments for this client.
  2. Click on the "Settings" tab.
  3. Select the "Default hours" sub-tab.
  4. Click on a white line or on the icon in the "Exceptions" section below to add a new item to the list.
  5. Select a specific department and then a shift. In this example we will select the "Emergency" department for the "Day" shift. The exception will be configured for the 7:00am to 3:00pm (instead of 8:00am to 4:00pm) for the Emergency Department.
  6. Now choose for which type of request you want to apply the exception in the grid on the right.

    * If the exception only takes into account the "department" and applies to all "types", you must insert all types in the right grid by checking the first choice "Applied to types of requests".

  7. Click on (Save).
  8. Let us now see the effect when creating a grouped replacement request of the "Nurse (Cardiology)" type with the "Emergency" department by default.
  9. Despite the automatic entry of the "Start" and "End" fields, the user can still modify the values ​​if necessary.