This tab allows you to add a new invoice type, a billable type. To customize these codes, consult the ''Accounting'' unit.
For the entering of data, click on the icon
(Edit), on the icon
(Translation) or directly in the field.
In the example below, we will add a new billable type, ''Cashier''.
1.Open a ''Settings'' window.
2.Move under the ''Billing types'' tab.
3.Click on a blank line in the main zone or click on the icon (Insert) to add a new record.
4.In the ''Code'' column, enter a new 3 characters code.
5.In the ''Invoice type'' column, enter the name of the new type.
6.Click on (Save).
7.In the ''Hour rate'' column, enter the hourly rate which will be displayed by default.
8.The box ''Taxable'' is checked by default, you can uncheck it, if needed.
9.If the box is checked in the ''Active'' column it means that the code is active for invoicing.
10.If a billable type is entered in the "Based on" column, it will only be applied if no customized rate is entered in the client file or in the general configuration for this billable type.
11.The rate can also be customized in the section ''Rate according to client type'' according to the type of client.