The list of statutes presented below is indicative and may be different depending on your configuration and the needs of your company.





This is the default status at the job offer creation.

Trial period

A candidate is assigned to the job offer, he is in trial period.


« There may be one or several candidates in trial period for the same position.


A candidate is hired.


« The job offer is ready for billing.

Hired - Under warranty

The placement process is stopped for all other candidates, a candidate has been hired and the warranty period is in progress.


« The job offer is billed.

Hired - Warranty finished

A candidate is hired, the warranty period is complete.

Contract finished

The job offer was on contract, the contract is completed.

Not filled

It is impossible to find someone to fill the job offer. The job offer is now closed.

Filled by another agency

Filled by a government agency

Filled by an internal client

Filled in an unknown way

The job offer has been filled by another mean than your agency. The job offer is now closed.

Canceled (A)

The job offer is canceled by the agency. The job offer is now closed.

In creation

It is a job offer managed by the client via the Web platform. The client is currently creating the job offer.

Not published

It is a job offer managed by the client via the Web platform. The creation of the job offer is complete, but it is not published for the moment. (the candidates can not see it)


It is a job offer managed by the client via the Web platform. The job offer is published, visible for the candidates corresponding to the profile sought.