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Keyword search


Keyword search is a feature available in several windows. It has been designed to search for items that are inaccessible with PRIM Logix research methods. For example, in the green fields of a window in search mode or in the criteria added in a file.


Keyword search explores text blocks and files added to a folder to extract the keyword in order to maximize the search results.


PRIM Logix starts the research with the keywords written on the first line. As soon as a keyword is found in a file, PRIM Logix considers that the result is positive.


PRIM Logix searches for keywords without regard to lower case, upper case or accents.

Each line where a keyword is entered must get a positive result in order to get a positive result for the search.


The keyword search is available on your website for your candidates, they can search for a job offer using the criteria proposed in the different lists.



       Using keyword search


In the example below, we are looking for a candidate with professional experience in accounting AND a perfect knowledge of the Italian language.





1.In the "Candidate" window, click on (Keyword search).

2.Enter the search criteria on the first line. For example, "accountant" or "accounting", some terms that we can find in a candidate's resume.

3.Enter the search criteria on the second line. For example, Italian which could be additional information entered manually in a criterion such as "language" and choice "Other".

On the second line, you can opt to include OR exclude from the results any file with the keywords used.  


4.To maximize the search results, check all available search locations. Otherwise, select a location from the list.

5.Click on (Execute search) on the main toolbar.

6.Use this button to delete one full line in one-click.


All candidates corresponding the search criteria are displayed, use the navigation arrows to move among the results or open the search results pane.


 If keywords are entered on the following lines, PRIM Logix continues the exploration of the files.



Here are some typical keyword searches:


Search with keywords written on a single line


PRIM Logix searches for the keywords entered on the first line, either "accountant" or "accounting".


® You will get the files in which PRIM Logix found the keyword "accountant" OR the keyword "accounting".



Search with keywords written on two lines



PRIM Logix starts the search with the keywords entered on the first line, "accountant" or "accounting" and continues the search with the keyword entered on the next line "italian".




® You will get the files in which PRIM found the keyword (accountant OR accounting) and INCLUDE the keyword (italian).




®  You will get the files in which PRIM found the keyword (accountant OR accounting) and EXCLUDE the keyword (italian)..



If a line gets a negative result or if there are no keywords entered, the search stops.



       The combined keyword search


       Save a keyword search for recurring use












Created with Help+Manual 8 and styled with Premium Pack Version 4 © by EC Software