WARNING: This section is intended for advanced users and "Super users" of PRIM Logix.
The configuration items presented in this section may indeed have an impact on your operations.
If in doubt, consult your system administrator.
Please note that only users in the appropriate security groups can access the software configuration windows. |
Returns the list of possible filters based on criteria for jobs in the job board
Indicates the language used to display the information
Possible values: FR (French) or EN (English)
Default value: EN
Complete example of a request
"Language": "EN"
"status": "success",
"data": [
"rownumber": 1,
"Level": 1,
"cgrcod": "ORD",
"cgrcodParent": null,
"Order": 1,
"Choices": [
"cchcod": "OCA",
"Choice": "Professional accountant",
"Order": 1
"cchcod": "OPT",
"Choice": "Professional optometrists",
"Order": 1
"cchcod": "PHA",
"Choice": "Professional pharmacists",
"Order": 1
"cchcod": "TRA",
"Choice": "Ordre des traducteurs et des traductrices",
"Order": 1
"LinkedParentChoices": null
"rownumber": 2,
"Level": 1,
"cgrcod": "REG",
"cgrcodParent": null,
"Order": 1,
"Subject": "WORK AREA",
"Choices": [
"cchcod": "621",
"Choice": "Saint-Côme",
"Order": 1
"cchcod": "BRM",
"Choice": "Brampton",
"Order": 1
"cchcod": "CAL",
"Choice": "Calgary",
"Order": 1
"LinkedParentChoices": null
"rownumber": 3,
"Level": 1,
"cgrcod": "FON",
"cgrcodParent": null,
"Order": 5,
"Subject": "FUNCTION",
"Choices": [
"cchcod": "001",
"Choice": "Head Chef",
"Order": 1
"cchcod": "ADJ",
"Choice": "Assistant",
"Order": 1
"cchcod": "AS ",
"Choice": "Assistant",
"Order": 1
"cchcod": "INT",
"Choice": "Integrator",
"Order": 1
"LinkedParentChoices": null
"rownumber": 4,
"Level": 1,
"cgrcod": "LAN",
"cgrcodParent": null,
"Order": 35,
"Subject": "LANGUAGE",
"Choices": [
"cchcod": "FRA",
"Choice": "French",
"Order": 1
"cchcod": "ANG",
"Choice": "English",
"Order": 2
"LinkedParentChoices": null
"rownumber": 5,
"Level": 1,
"cgrcod": "TEN",
"cgrcodParent": null,
"Order": 80,
"Subject": "DRESS CODE",
"Choices": [
"cchcod": "SHS",
"Choice": "Safety Helmet",
"Order": 1
"cchcod": "STS",
"Choice": "Steel toe shoes",
"Order": 2
"LinkedParentChoices": null
"rownumber": 6,
"Level": 2,
"cgrcod": "SPE",
"cgrcodParent": "FON",
"Order": 3,
"Subject": "SPECIALITY",
"Choices": [
"cchcod": "001",
"Choice": "Food industry",
"Order": 1,
"LinkedParentChoices": [
"cchcod": "001"
"cchcod": "INF"
"cchcod": "023",
"Choice": "Restaurant",
"Order": 1,
"LinkedParentChoices": [
"cchcod": "001"
"cchcod": "ADA"
"cchcod": "029",
"Choice": "Traiteur",
"Order": 1,
"LinkedParentChoices": [
"cchcod": "001"
"cchcod": "ADA"
"cchcod": "ACC",
"Choice": "Support",
"Order": 1,
"LinkedParentChoices": [
"cchcod": "ADA"
"cchcod": "AUX"
"cchcod": "INF"
"LinkedParentChoices": [
"cchcod": "001"
"cchcod": "ADA"
"cchcod": "CAR"
"cchcod": "ERG"
"cchcod": "INF"
"cchcod": "MOG"
"cchcod": "MOS"
"cchcod": "PAB"
"cchcod": "PGA"
"rownumber": 7,
"Level": 2,
"cgrcod": "LOG",
"cgrcodParent": "FON",
"Order": 4,
"Subject": "SOFTWARE",
"Choices": [
"cchcod": "AUT",
"Choice": "Other",
"Order": 1,
"LinkedParentChoices": [
"cchcod": "001"
"cchcod": "ADA"
"cchcod": "CHF",
"Choice": "Workbook",
"Order": 1,
"LinkedParentChoices": [
"cchcod": "ADA"
"cchcod": "ATP"
"cchcod": "AUX"
"cchcod": "COM",
"Choice": "Accounting",
"Order": 1,
"LinkedParentChoices": [
"cchcod": "AUX"
"cchcod": "INF"
"cchcod": "EXC",
"Choice": "Excel",
"Order": 1,
"LinkedParentChoices": [
"cchcod": "AUX"
"LinkedParentChoices": [
"cchcod": "001"
"cchcod": "ADA"
"cchcod": "ADJ"
"cchcod": "ATP"
"rownumber": 8,
"Level": 3,
"cgrcod": "SPL",
"cgrcodParent": "SPE",
"Order": 1,
"Subject": "Sub speciality",
"Choices": [
"cchcod": "SP1",
"Choice": "Sub spec 1",
"Order": 1,
"LinkedParentChoices": [
"cchcod": "001"
"cchcod": "023"
"cchcod": "029"
"cchcod": "SP2",
"Choice": "sub spec 2",
"Order": 1,
"LinkedParentChoices": [
"cchcod": "001"
"cchcod": "023"
"cchcod": "029"
"LinkedParentChoices": [
"cchcod": "001"
"cchcod": "023"
"cchcod": "029"
"cchcod": "ACC"
"rownumber": 9,
"Level": 3,
"cgrcod": "SLO",
"cgrcodParent": "LOG",
"Order": 1,
"Subject": "Sub software",
"Choices": [
"cchcod": "TT1",
"Choice": "test 1",
"Order": 1,
"LinkedParentChoices": [
"cchcod": "AUT"
"cchcod": "CHF"
"cchcod": "COM"
"cchcod": "TT2",
"Choice": "test 2",
"Order": 1,
"LinkedParentChoices": [
"cchcod": "AUT"
"cchcod": "CHF"
"cchcod": "COM"
"LinkedParentChoices": [
"cchcod": "AUT"
"cchcod": "CHF"
"cchcod": "COM"
"rownumber": 10,
"Level": 4,
"cgrcod": "SSL",
"cgrcodParent": "SLO",
"Order": 1,
"Subject": "SUB SUB software",
"Choices": [
"cchcod": "SL1",
"Choice": "ss log 1",
"Order": 1,
"LinkedParentChoices": [
"cchcod": "TT1"
"cchcod": "TT2"
"cchcod": "SL2",
"Choice": "ss log 2",
"Order": 1,
"LinkedParentChoices": [
"cchcod": "TT1"
"cchcod": "TT2"
"LinkedParentChoices": [
"cchcod": "TT1"
"cchcod": "TT2"
Here is what each of the fields returned in each section of the data property corresponds to
Rank of the criterion for JSON
Possible values: 1 or higher
For the following fields, see the explanations in the criteria page in the web services section of the online help:
Returns the list of choices that have been ticked (cchcod) for parent criteria that need at least one choice ticked to display the child criterion
Possible values: null for a criteria at the root of the tree structure (Level = 1)
If this is a child criterion, the JSON will look like this (at least partially):
"rownumber": 6,
"Level": 2,
"cgrcod": "SPE",
"cgrcodParent": "FON",
"Order": 3,
"Subject": "SPECIALITY",
"Choices": [
"cchcod": "001",
"Choice": "Food industry",
"Order": 1,
"LinkedParentChoices": [
"cchcod": "001"
"cchcod": "INF"
"cchcod": "023",
"Choice": "Restaurant",
"Order": 1,
"LinkedParentChoices": [
"cchcod": "001"
"cchcod": "ADA"
"LinkedParentChoices": [
"cchcod": "001"
"cchcod": "ADA"
"cchcod": "CAR"
"cchcod": "ERG"
"cchcod": "INF"
"cchcod": "MOG"
"cchcod": "MOS"
"cchcod": "PAB"
"cchcod": "PGA"
The example above is to be understood as follow:
•The subject criterion "SPECIALITY" (cgrcod = SPE) is the child criterion of "FUNCTION" (cgrcod = FON)
•Possible choices of this sub-criterion are:
oFood industry (cchcod = 001)
oRestaurant (cchcod = 023)
•The choice "Food industry" must be displayed only if at least one of the following parent criteria have been ticked.
o001 (Head chef)
oINF (Accounting clerk)
•The choice "Restaurant" must be displayed only if at least one of the following parent criteria have been ticked.
o001 (Head chef)
oADA (Administrative assistant)
Here is what the display of the above criteria should look like:
oHead chef
•Food industry
oAdministrative assistant
oAccounting clerk
•Food industry
When one or more choices are checked, the choices of the child criteria of the same level must be merged together
As for the last parameter "LinkedParentChoices", it should be interpreted as follows:
•The sub-criterion "SPECIALITY" (cgrcod = SPE) must be displayed only if one of the choices below is checked in the parent criterion:
o001 (Head chef)
oADA (Administrative assistant)
oCAR (Lift operator)
oPGA (Programmer)
Here is what the display of the above criteria should look like:
oHead chef
▪(Speciality not displayed)
▪(Speciality not displayed)
▪(Speciality not displayed)
oAdministrative assistant
oNursing assistant
▪(Speciality not displayed)
oNursing assistant
▪(Speciality not displayed)
oTechnical assistant in pharmacy
▪(Speciality not displayed)
▪(Speciality not displayed)
oLift operator
▪(Speciality not displayed)