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Configuration for sharing relations

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WARNING: This section is intended for advanced users and "Super users" of PRIM Logix.


The configuration items presented in this section may indeed have an impact on your operations.


If in doubt, consult your system administrator.


Please note that only users in the appropriate security groups can access the software configuration windows.


Configuration for sharing relations


First, it's important to understand that "Relation", "Service receiver" and "Partner" are various types of relationships.


The button Relation sharing, available in tabs Relations, Service receivers and Partners of the client file allows you to quickly share a relation with another client.  


In order to be able to do so, the setting Contact sharing must first be ticked for the relevant relation types.


1.In the System ribbon, click on Settings to launch the configuration window.

2.Search and open the Relation type pane/window

3.In the column Contact sharing, tick the check box for relation types you want to be able to share.

4.Click on the Save button to save the setting.

To learn how to share a relation, see Tab - Profile / Sub-tab Contact.




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