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Tab - Profile / Sub-tab Contact


This sub-tab of the Profile tab shows the various contact information for the company and some basic information, such as the creation date, the preferred language for communication, the function of the company.

It does include a main area that will always be the same (A) and various sub-tabs (B)


Description of the fields in the main area (A)

Function/Title: You can use this field to enter the business type or  business line.

Language: Used to indicate the preferred language to communicate with the client. Note that the preferred language of contacts added as relations or partners could be different.  

Contact type: The type of client (Company or Individual) is specified here.

Latest Web access: Last date of access to the Web portal by the client.

Known since: You can enter the date of the first contact with the client.

Creation date / By: This information is auto-populated after first save at creation of the file.  

Logo: Allows you to add a logo for the company.

Web and Social media: Links to the Web site and social media pages

Comments: You can enter a short comment of general interest about the client.






       Sub-tab Contact Information



       Sub-tab - Relations



       Service receiver






       Sharing a relation
















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