Open a "Payroll management" window
Under the "Requests to pay" tab, you'll find the requests for the current pay period, as well as any corrections made to requests that have already been paid. For example: payroll is produced every two weeks. A candidate notifies you of an error on the previous payroll, and you correct the request. In this tab, you'll find all the requests to be paid, including the correction reported by the candidate.
Before generating a payroll, make sure that the period's current payrolls have been completed, otherwise PRIM will add the selected items to an existing pay with the status "In progress". The first two steps below are for this verification. If no pay corresponding to the request criteria is in progress, a new payroll will be generated with the status "In progress".
1.Move under the ''Payroll history'' tab to check the pays with the status ''In progress'' to ensure not to add new items in an existing pay, if you prefer PRIM to produce a new pay for your candidate. you can apply a filter in order to only display the pays with status "In progress".
2.If needed, select the pays to complete, click on and change the status to Completed in order to avoid additions in these pays.
3.Move back to the Requests to pay tab and select a pay period. If needed, apply a filter to display only the desired items. For example, requests to be paid to a specific candidate.
4.Check one or more items to add in a pay and click on Insert into a payroll.
5.The selected items will be found under the Payroll history tab, in a pay with the status In progress.
6.If needed, under the Payroll history tab, apply a sorting on the column Pay no. if you want the new pays to be displayed on top of the list.
7.If there is no more items to add, you can complete the pay. Check one ore more records and click on (Liste de valeurs) pour afficher la liste de choix.
8.In the list, choose COMPLETE. Au besoin, répétez ces opérations pour ajouter une nouvelle paie.
9.Click on the icon in the column Pay no. if you want to display the details of the pay.
The pay process is finished in PRIM, the data can be exported to the payroll software of your company.