This section will allow you to become familiar with the "Client" window and main tabs for creation and management of a client file.
Here is a list of topics covered in this section:
•Client window: Presentation of the window, menus, client types and how to create a new client
•Tab - Profile: Contact, contact information, relations, service receivers, partners, sharing relations, workplaces
•Tab - Settings : Invoicing, departments, default hours, Web, incoming payments, compte à rebours, lien avec division et succursale
•Tab - Preferences: Description des éléments présents et préférences, ajouter un candidat dans la liste, actualiser les préférences dans le dossier client.
•Advanced users : partage des relations, paramètres de l'horodateur, personnalisation des codes sur les factures
Some tabs and sub-tabs in this window will be explained in detail in the "Operations" and "Accounting" sections.