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Release 5.6.1

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Release 5.6.1


New features


1.Client file : In Operations tab, a new sub-tab has been added to provide a global overview of grouped shifts only. By default, the grouped shifts are sorted by Group, then by Mission. (See image)

It is possible to sort shifts differently, according to the various columns in the table. Simply drag and drop the column header into the top section, in the desired sorting order. (See image)

2.Client Web portal: A change has been made to allow clients to change the hours of a request on the Web in a self-matching situation.

3.Client Web portal: It is now possible to modify the hours and criteria of a temporary request in both Schedule and Application follow-up sections.

4.Web portal/timesheets: The Web timesheet has been revised and improved. It is now a separate page from the assignments page, and its operation has been improved.

5.Client Web portal/timesheets: Filtering and sorting options by candidate have been added (See image)

6.Client Web portal and job board: The sections Schedule and Additional information have been added to the job sheet. Furthermore, the reference number is now displayed under the job title.

7.Web portal (candidate and client): A new icon with a link to send an email to the agency has been added to the bottom of the left panel of the client and candidate Web portals. (See image)

8.Web portal (candidate and client): It is now possible to filter using criteria in many lists, depending on PRIM configuration.

9.Candidate Web portal and grouped shifts: Grouped shifts managed with ATS are now displayed in the Permanent section, which has been renamed Long term or permanent. It is now also possible to view the schedule of the grouped shifts.


Fixes and improvements


10.Web portal : The URL to access the Web portal's back office, had been changed: the last part of the URL, "admin", has been replaced by "backoffice" in order for it to be more secure. I.e. :, becomes

Client action: Users should change their shortcuts to access the back-office.

11.The custom configuration module (SQL) has been updated and optimized.

12.SQL queries: The response time has been improved and optimized for SQL queries.

13.Shift proposals using a saved list: When sending proposals to candidate using a saved list, all were receiving proposals matching the first candidate on the list.  This bug has been fixed, and each candidate now receives the proposals matching his or her profile.

14.Back office: Security management has been improved for the job board. The security groups Web client and Web candidate have been added to the job application page in order to allow jobs to be viewed by users in connected mode.  

Client action: In the back office, go to Translations and authorizations > Job board > Application page > Modify page parameters and make sure the proper groups are ticked. (See image)


15.Export: Added the ability to export to another system directly from the Home ribbon in each PRIM window.

16.Web portal: The menu layout in the mobile version has been improved.

17.Web portal and back office: When all pages in a section are hidden, the section remained visible even when there were no pages to display. This shortcoming has been corrected, and the section no longer appears if all pages are hidden.

18.Grouped shifts, Web portal and job board: When a grouped shifts request is displayed on the Web portal or job board, the title/description for the schedule, if applicable, is now added under the mission's title. Furthermore, the schedule is also displayed. (See image)

Client action: In the back office, in order for candidates to be able to see the schedule's description, you must check the proper group under Translation and authorizations > Candidate space > Offers > Schedule name. (See image)


19.Interface look and feel: Improved rendering of the dark and colorful themes.

20.Communication history: In emails, the header with information about the communication (sender, recipient, date) was missing. It is now displayed correctly.

21.Fix: In a table with filtered data, when the result had only one line, it was impossible to modify the data on the line displayed. This bug has been corrected.

22.Fix for accounting transfers: The export transaction selection window (LIB006) was displaying only two of the three columns it contains by default. Its default size has been adjusted to display all three columns..

23.Web portal: By default, offers that have been accepted by one party are now visible to the other, regardless of the filters applied. For example, if a candidate expresses interest in a shift outside his usual availability, the client will see this application. In the previous version, the availability/preference filter or any other system filter had priority over the interest shown in a shift. The logic works both ways: if a client sees an application and the candidate does not see a shift because of the system's filters, the shift will become visible as soon as the client expresses interest for the candidate.

To keep the old behavior where filters have priority, make a request to our customer service team.  

24.Grouped shifts: Fixed a refreshing issue when deleting a schedule, which gave the impression that the mission was also deleted.


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