Several message templates, email or SMS are available in PRIM, however, you can edit a new message template or modify an existing template.
To display the list of templates again, click on the icon (List) of the main toolbar in the ''Message template management'' window. PRIM uses the language registered in the file of your contact for the correspondence and attachments. Make sure to have a template for each of the languages used in your company.
1.Open a ''Message template management'' window. 2.Close the ''Search result window'' window in order to create a new template. 3.Under the ''Message'' tab, click on the icon (Insert). 4.Enter the name of your new template. 5.Select the template type ''Email'' in the list of choices. 6.Select the folder in which you want to add your template. 7.Select the language in which you will compose your message. 8.Check the box ''Active template'' to allow the PRIM users to use your template. 9.The edition zone of the message is displayed. 10.Enter the title or the subject of the email. 11.Write your message. 12.PRIM automatically add a double line break. To insert a single line break, press the ''Shift'' key and on ''Enter'' key of your keyboard. 13.Click on (Save). 14.Move under the ''Options'' tab. 15.According to the selected folder in the section ''Associated contexts'', you will have a list of different contexts. Choose among the proposed items. 16.Select the sending settings. 17.The section ''Check by default those type of contacts'' will be accessible according to the selected folder at the creation of the template. 18.If needed, check the type of contact that will be checked by default at the sending of the email. 19.If needed, check the property which has to be checked in the file of the contact. 20.Click on (Save). 21.Move under the ''Files'' tab if you want to attach a document to the template (a PRIM report or a document saved under the in ''Documents management'' tab). 22.Click on (Save). 23.Move under the ''Additional documents'' if you want to join a document saved on your workstation or your network. 24.Select the document and check the property of the file. 25.Make sure that you have the same document for each of the languages used in your company. 26.Your message is ready. You will be able to use it at your next email sending via the button .
To display the list of templates again, click on the icon (List) of the main toolbar in the ''Message template management'' window.
1.Open a ''Message template management'' window. 2.Close the ''Search result window'' window in order to create a new template. 3.Under the ''Message'' tab, click on the icon (Insert). 4.Enter the name of your new template. 5.Select the template type ''SMS'' in the list of choices. 6.Select the folder in which you want to add your template. 7.Select the language in which you will compose your message. 8.Check the box ''Active template'' to allow the PRIM users to use your template. 9.Write your message. Use the available variables, if needed. Make sure not to exceed the number of allowed characters. 10.Click on (Save). 11.Move under the ''Options'' tab. 12.According to the selected folder in the section ''Associated contexts'', you will have a list of different contexts. Choose among the proposed items. 13.Your message is ready. You will be able to use it at your next SMS sending via the button .
To display the list of templates again, click on the icon (List) of the main toolbar in the ''Message template management'' window.
Only the templates that you have created will be editable, those in the basic configuration are not. However, you could duplicate an existing template and apply modifications, see the sections "Add a template" above.
The modifications are allowed only in the body of the message, PRIM does not allow the modification of the template type or the folder. You will need to create a new template.
1.From the list, select the template you want to modify. 2.Do the changes in the body of the message 3.Click on (Save).
What is a variable?
A variable is a symbol in an email or SMS template that will take on a certain value when sent.
For example, a variable that is associated with a name of a client and is added in a message template will be erased to display the name of the client to whom the message is addressed.
To facilitate the adding of variables in a message template, email or SMS, PRIM offers a list of available variables to select. You can also use variables in a message, email, SMS, if you do not use a template.
See the sections ''Add an email template'' and ''Add a SMS template'' for creating templates. The section below explains the addition of variables in a message.
1.You are in the ''Sending of the messages'' window at the design step of your message. 2.To insert a variable in the text, click on and choose among the proposed items in the list of available variables. 3.If you did not insert the variable at the right place, you can move it by using the ''Cut - Paste'' method. 4.Click on (Save).