Opera Bug
Training Plan
Unit 1 - PRIM Interface
Presentation of PRIM
Tab - Menu
PRIM - Window
Main toolbar and keyboard shortcuts
General icons
Selected area
View a file
Unit 2 - The common manipulations
The common tabs
Allocation of properties
Tab - Info/Ranking/Criteria
Descriptions and examples
Tab - Document management
Add a document / file
Documents management
Tab - Preferences
Preferences - Icons
Tab - Relation
Sorting types
Criteria and visual indicators
Filter by date
Examples of punctual filters
Recurrent filters
Window - Filters setup (SEC012)
Creation of a recurring filter
Creating a display
Creating a filter
Creating a sorting
Configuration of the recurring filter
Share a filter according to the security group
Select and apply a filter
Examples of recurrent filters
Identify the last applied filter
Change the active recurring filter on the window
Disable a filter
Search by keywords
Examples of search criteria
Data export
Create and save a data export template
Examples of data export
The lists
Maximize or minimize the view of a list or column
Manage the lists
Launch an action from a list
Unit 3 - Client
Window - Client (PRIM002)
Tab - Profile / Sub-tab - Contact
Tab - Info/Ranking/Criteria
Tab - Description
Tab - Document management
Tab - Préférences
Tab - Operations
Tab - Billing
Tab - Settings
Tab - Default hours
Tab - Deductions
Unit 4 - Candidate
Window - Candidate (PRIM001)
Candidate statutes
Tab - Profile / Sub-tab - Contact
Tab - Information
Tab - Info/Ranking/Criteria
Tab - Education
Tab - Employment history
Tab - Document management
Tab - Preferences
Tab - Calendar
Calendar icons
Window - Availability management (PRIM021)
Availability management
Tab - Operations
Tab - Pay
Tab - Settings
Internal assessment
Resume analysis (Parsing)
« Plugin » Q-Link
Unit 5 - Employee
Window - Employee (PRIM023)
Tab - Contact
Tab - Info/Ranking/Criteria
Tab - Document management
Tab - Association and rates
Tab - Compensation
Tab - Settings
Unit 6 - Events and tasks
Windows - Tasks and events
Events and tasks management
Search and display events and tasks
Delete an event and its associated tasks
Synchronization of tasks with "Outlook"
Automatic assignment of tasks
Task reminder mechanism
Assigning tasks in batches
Web Follow-up
Associations visible from the event
Filter on task and event notes
Unit 7 - Communications
Icons of communications
Window - Communications history (IMC013)
Consultation of communications
Phone call
Window - Summary of the phone call (IMC016)
Window - Candidate (PRIM001)
Window - Client (PRIM002)
Window - Sending of the messages (IMC011)
Create a user profile and add a signature in an email
Send an email
Attachments consultation history
Window - Candidate (PRIM001)
Window - Client (PRIM002)
Window - Sending of the messages (IMC011)
Send a SMS
Sidebar - Communication and synchronization
Emails synchronization
Synchronization Setup
Unit 8 - Operations (Replacement, term and job offer)
Window - Replacement (PRIM014)
The tabs
Edit additional information in the criteria of a request
Candidate assignation section
Window - Replacement management (PRIM007)
The replacement statutes
Change the status of a replacement
Steps in the replacement process
Propose, assign, confirm and unassign
Why a candidate is not displayed in the result of my research?
Copy a replacement
Window - Candidate schedule (PRIM016)
Send the schedule to candidates from a list
Create and manage a work team
Create a single replacement
Calendar of the candidate assigned to a replacement
Batch requests
Window - Add batch requests (PRIM011)
Create a batch requests
Recurrence - Batch requests
Grouped replacement
Grouped replacement statutes
Window - Grouped replacement (PRIM006)
Tab - General informations
Tab - Infos/Ranking/Criteria
Tab - Recurrent
Tab - Punctual
Tab - Replacements
Tab - Documents management
Create a grouped replacement
Add or change the end date of a recurring grouped replacement
Assign, unassign and replace a candidate
Confirm a grouped replacement
Copy a grouped replacement
Remove a request in a recurrence
Modify the payer or the recipient client
Window - Term (PRIM027)
Tab - Dashboard
Table of correspondences between the candidate status and the dashboard
Tab - Information
Tab - Description / Job board
Tab - Contact
Tab - Schedule
Tab - Associated employee
Tab - Info/Ranking/Criteria
Tab - Candidate tracking
Terms applications statutes
Preferences and interest icons
Tab - Week tracking
Window - Term week (PRIM030)
Term’s week statutes
Tab - Week details
Tab - Payroll and billing
Tab - Compensation
Tab - Document management
Tab - Document management
Tab - Settings
Window - Terms management (PRIM029)
Add a logo on the Web term sheet
Term statutes
Steps in the term placement process
Create a term
Add or change the end date of a term
Copy a term
Calendar of the candidate assigned to a term
Assign and unassign
Why a candidate is not displayed in the result of my research?
Job offers
Window - Job offer (PRIM003)
Tab - Dashboard
Tab - Information
Tab - Schedule
Tab - Description / Job board
Tab - Contact
Tab - Associated employee
Tab - Info/Ranking/Criteria
Tab - Candidate tracking
Job offers applications statutes
Icons preferences and interest
Tab - Invoices
Tab - Compensations
Tab - Document management
Window - Job offer management (PRIM015)
Add a logo on the Web job offer sheet
Job offer statutes
Placement process steps
Create a job offer
Copy a job offer
Propose and fill a job offer
Why a candidate is not displayed in the result of my research?
Unit 9 - Accounting
Window - Price history (WKF020)
Window - Timesheet management
Verify timesheets
Window - Invoicing management (PRIM017)
Window - Invoice (PRIM019)
Window - Incoming payment (PRIM031)
Steps of invoicing and incoming payments
Printing order of the invoices
Create and manage the invoicing
Invoice statutes
Settings of invoicing in the client's file
Add the terms of payment on an invoice
Create and manage an incoming payment
Incoming payments statutes
Window - Payroll management (PRIM018)
Window - Pay (PRIM020)
Payroll confirmation steps
Printing order of the pay
Create and manage the pay
Pay statutes
Settings of the salary for the candidate
Employee and compensation
Window - Compensation management (PRIM024)
Compensation statutes
Window - Compensation (PRIM025)
Window Employee - Tab - Association and rates
Window Employee - Tab - Compensation
Window Employee - Tab - Settings
Customize the compensations related to candidates
Customize the compensations related to clients
Modification or addition in a request
Modification in a request
Remove a request from a pay or an invoice
Remove a pay code or an invoice code
Management of the rates and codes
Invoice type
Salary type
Pay and invoicing codes
Priority order for the calculation of the rates
Unit 10 - Super user and system configuration
Installing PRIM
Configure address, logo and taxes numbers for invoicing
Modify taxes in a file of a client
Personalize the sections of the age of accounts
Management of sales taxes
Window - Settings (PRIM010)
Tab - Holiday calendar
Tab - Pay and billing codes
Tab - Billing types
Tab - Salary types
Tab - Availability
Tab - Compensation
Tab - Incoming payment
Tab - Self-managed job offers packages
Tab - Countdown
Tab - Parsing (Automatic resume analysis)
Tab - Reasons for absence
Users management
Window - Security groups management (SEC004)
Create a security group
Communication Security
Window - System's user management (SEC003)
Create and assign a user to a security group
Window - User changes history (SEC015)
Add or remove an item in the changes' log
Window - Computer authorization management (SEC005)
Display connections
Message templates
Window - Message template management (IMC012)
Add a message template
Customized configuration
Window - Division (PRIM012)
Window - Branch management (PRIM046)
Window - Companies management
Add a choice under the tab - Info/Ranking/Criteria
Create a type of replacement
Display several criteria in the "Replacement Management" window
Modify the criteria display parameters
Management of attachment types
Modify terms on reports
Translation and customization
Customization of the code description on the payer client's invoices
Terms of use for the Web platform
Add keywords for searching on the website
Post your job offers on a website
Integrate job offers on your website
Hosting of job descriptions : URL configuration
Dialing on softphone
Configuring triggers
Security management
Web platform
Adding restrictions in a window
API Web Services
List of Actions
Action - Jobs
Action - NewJobCount
Action - GetContactPhone
Action - GetFileExportData
Action - GetFileBlob
Action - GetFileReport
Action - GetFilterCriteria
Action - GetJobStatsByFunction
Action - GetCandidateStatsByFunction
Action - GetMajorClients
Action - GetOneJobData
API Management - Account Creation
Validation of the address by the Google service is non-functional
Unit 11 - Web platform
Job board
Unit 12 - Import and export of data
Data import - Window (DIE004)
Candidate import
Replacements import
Tab - RéseauSAD
From a data list
From the "Data export" window
Export to QuickBooks
Accounting transfer
Incoming payments
View the date of last export
Microsoft Exchange/Office 365 protocols